Clare Butler

SVP Marketing

Picture of Clare Butler

I’m an award winning marketer with 30 years B2B experience, most of which has been in the tech/telco space within global multinationals and startups. A commercially-focused and customer-centric marketer, I’m well versed in bringing the full end-to-end spectrum needed to drive growth and believe in data to accelerate change in organizations.  

In recent years, mainly because I have 2 young girls and years-worth of wishing there was more representation of women in the industries I’ve worked in, I’ve become active in identifying ways to help address gender inequality in the hope for a brighter future for my kids, and others that are currently experiencing challenges. I am grateful that Grabyo is a supportive employer in helping me, and other colleagues, launch initiatives to upskill women in our sector and people from diverse backgrounds to help overcome this imbalance.

From a personal perspective, I deeply care about relationships with people and all through my life, I've played (and still play!) many sports and had the privilege to represent my country at Softball for 7 years and been National Champion for 10+ years.  I’ve jumped out of a perfectly sound aircraft in the name of charity, have been lucky enough to have travelled to many countries in all continents of the world, all of which I believe, has shaped me into the person I am today - a kind, grateful mum and partner who is committed to enjoying work and life in general.

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