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记录你.S. 2024年的选举支出将催生新的广告技术创新


Estimates for US political ad spending in 2024 are enormous and record-breaking. 专家预测从10美元到100美元不等 160亿美元 跨渠道总支出, 哪一个将打破上次选举周期创造的记录.

如此高的预测有很多原因. First, inflation and market competition have increased the cost of ad spending. Certain popular channels like CTV have heavy demand and command high prices. Second, 民主党和共和党之间的竞争非常激烈, and they’ll be spending big to reach undecided voters and solidify their bases. 第三,支出并不局限于总统竞选. Regional and local political races will also take advantage of advertising channels, 使用目标定位对关键受众的消息进行微调.

Advertising technology has an interesting relationship with political cycles. 众所周知,巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的竞选班子使用了 社交媒体当时是一个新兴的平台. 他们能够以更个性化的方式接触到他们的受众, targeted content on a channel that many audiences were just starting to embrace. 这创造了一个主要的优势.

2020年,数字广告的重要性日益提高,占到全球广告市场的比例 近四分之一 总支出的比例. Much of that spend was highly targeted, relying on third party cookies to reach key audiences.

今年有望带来更多的变化. 而第三方cookie定位正在减少, 广告商还有很多其他的机会来接触他们的受众. It’s likely that political advertisers will take emerging technologies and use them for creative campaigns.  例如,人工智能拥有先进的上下文广告. 基于人工智能的情境广告 can “read” the content on a page to recognize different nuances in content, 比如积极或消极的情绪. 种商业广告 能帮助政治广告商更无缝地筹集资金吗. Audiences can donate with the tap of their finger on 社交媒体 and more.

Political advertisers will also find themselves with a different channel mix than in 2020. CTV is rapidly replacing broadcast media, which was their top spending category in 2020. Today, political advertisers are looking at a wider array of 社交媒体 platforms (it looks like Joe Biden will embrace TikTok with others sure to follow) and generative AI influencing search results. All of these shifts will require smart strategies, testing and fine tuning.


很明显, media companies are poised for a record advertising revenue year if they position themselves well. 电视和数字频道将是需求量最大的, and media companies will need to balance Upfront planning with surges in demand that could happen throughout the year. Forecasting and yield management will be key to maximizing revenue and providing opportunities for political advertisers without turning away advertisers from other sectors.

There are a number of different technologies and processes that media companies can tap into to ensure that they’re set up for success and that they’re helping political advertisers reach their audiences as effectively as possible. 以下是媒体公司需要具备的一些技能:

Offer flexible products and delivery - Media companies will likely need to be on their toes throughout 2024. Political advertisers might commit heavily to traditional media early on but want to pivot to digital or CTV mid-campaign. They might have one audience target at first but want to expand to include new audiences if the campaigns are working well. 媒体公司需要一个灵活的基础设施, with a centralized product catalog to provide winning proposals and seamless order management to take advantage of these tactical moves throughout the year.

接受新的目标类型——不支持cookie, 第三方cookie定位与2020年大不相同. Political advertisers will likely test identity solutions, AI contextual solutions, and more. Media companies also have their own audience insights, which they can package for political buyers. The more flexible a media company is to accept different forms of targeting and reach key audiences, 更好的.

Provide transparent measurement - Political advertisers are a savvy bunch - digital and CTV are more measurable than broadcast, 这将是一个巨大的吸引力. They’ll be measuring and adjusting throughout the year and will want real-time reporting and accurate insights. Media companies with agile reporting will be able to partner with political advertisers and adjust faster than if they have manual reporting or aren’t able to share insights.

2024年奥运会的主题是灵活性和敏捷性. 比以往任何时候都有更多的选择和更多的方法来衡量活动, media companies will need to partner closely with political advertisers to deliver value and capture new spending throughout the year.

[编者注:这是来自 手术. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]


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